Gaia Legend Cast List

Here is the cast of all the characters of Gaia Legend. It has all the cast members from the three main seasons-Gaia Legend-Awakenings, Gaia Legend-Extreme, and Gaia Legend-Maximum. It'll take a few days to amass this list, so please be patient. It should be completed by the end of next week. In the coming months, the character biographies will be completed as well, so please, bear with me.


-GL Awakenings- -GL Extreme- -GL Maximum-
Lund House Lund House Lund House
Crispien Sill Crispien Sill Crispien Sill
Nora "Audi" Harris Nora "Audi" Harris Nora "Audi" Montgomery
Nicholas "Jack" Ebner Nicholas "Jack" Ebner Nicholas "Jack" Ebner
Kara Meacham Kara Meacham Kara Meacham
Ethan Chase Ethan Chase Ethan Chase
Maria Lune Chase Maria Lune Chase Maria Lune Chase
Nigel "Sa-lews" Montgomery Nigel "Sa-lews" Montgomery Nigel "Sa-lews" Montgomery
Quinn Langley Quinn Langley
Emma Chang
Villains Villains Villains
Daniel Page-"Page" (Name Still being Determined) The Black Gaia
Supporting/Recurring Characters Supporting/Recurring Characters Supporting/Recurring Characters
Kara's Various Entourage Kara's Various Entourage Kara's Various Entourage
Mrs. Caroline Meacham Mrs. Caroline Meacham Mrs. Caroline Meacham
Kay LaPlagia Jennison Kingston